Nico's Road Dog Tales 2024?
Nico's Road Dog Tales is working on making the production public.
We are looking at several different ways of doing that, and possible sponsorship
for the production costs.
What is Road Dog Tales?
Road Dog Tales‘n Jam is about reintroducing our successful and maybe even unsung hero artists to our community.
The intention is to provide our spot-lighted artists with a safe and entertaining interview type of platform, led by Nico Wind Cordova.
The idea is that these professionals will get down into the trenches with all of us and share their experiences without hype or ego.
They tell their stories, and we receive them firsthand.
Some of these tales are hilarious and some are really unbelievable and dramatic, but the point is that their telling should be informative, interactive, and entertaining.
The first hour of the 3-hour evening is the interview of the featured artist by Nico Wind who introduces the guest, traces their journey as artists, and then turns the process over to the audience.
They then get to ask questions like what the musical process with coming up with a hook line or a lyric might have been, or why the guest chose a particular route in his or her career and what that was like, and what they might have done differently.
This information could be especially educational for people who are looking at music as a possible career.
The featured guest might then join in during the second and third hours of Road Tales ‘n Jam for the Jam – meaning that musicians present would be welcome to sign up on a participation sheet and then Jam
with Nico Wind and her Free Rein band.
Nico and a professional film team are capturing video footage of these interviews for an Historic Portland Music Scene documentary produced by Nico Wind, Julie M. Garland Steve Strain and Anne Morin.
It will be available to the public as short documentaries at some point when we can lock funding.
Road Dog Tales ‘n Jam will hope to resume live programming in 2024 at a new location.
We hope the loyal followers and fellow artists of the Portland music scene will support this important and entertaining program.
Nico Wind Cordova (edited by Anne Morin)
This is how we started out....
I'm honored to facilitate this event that is an up-close and personal,
interactive interview with Portland's finest musical pioneers.
We started the project in Feb 2014 at the Trail's End Saloon in Oregon City.
Our first interview guest was:
Gary Fountaine (Bass player from the group NuShooz).
Marv Ross (QuarterFlash),
The late DK Stewart (Music Hall of Fame and Muddy Awards inductee),
And the late Jim Mesi (Internationally known as the Itallian Chainsaw).
We then moved to Cartlandia in SE Portland and started the 2016 series with:
Lloyd (Have Mercy) Jones (International Blues multy award winning Icon)
Chris Baum (Soul Vaccination)
“The Notorious" The late Doug Rowell (who was wonderful and a true road warrior).
Mike Branch
(The Local Rockin Bad Boy)
It was my intention to interview some women in this series,
so our first lady was:
Ellen Whyte
LaRhonda Steele,
Reggie Houston (Music Director with Charmaine Neville)
Steve Bradley (Jim Mesi's side kick for 40 years)
Gary Ogan (Oregon Music Hall Of Fame inductee).
At this point we were having funding issues to keep the shows going.
My family had covered about 95% of the funding for the programs up to this point and the clubs were not interested in or couldn't see the benefit to them for investing anything.
These events were all recorded with the intention of creating a documentary or a series of short docs. Again, a segment of the historic preservation of the Portland/Northwest Live Music Scene project that will require funding.
Because of the pandemic and the number of losses we have experienced in our music community, this legacy work is more important than ever!
With so many losses including 3 of our interveiwees,
our video editor (Steve Strain and I) have been utilizing some of our footage for memorial gatherings to celebrate the life of those who have crossed over.
Here is the one we did for the late Jim Mesi.

Portland's Own Gary Fountaine -Bass player for the reknownd group Nu Shooz Who topped the charts in the 80s with the song "I can't wait"
Gary passed away on Dec 28th 2023.
We are all taken to our knees over the loss of such a fine musician and person.
A celebration of life was held on April 28th 2024 at the venue what is now known as The Headliners. Here is the video of his celebration of life on that day.Thank you to everyone who collaborated to help make this happen!

The late Jim Mesi (AKA The Itallian Chain Saw) Recorded in 2015. Mesi worked with Brown Sugar, Paul Delay Band, he toured with BB King, and formed his own band The Jim Mesi Band. We miss him dearly.

The Iconic DK Stewart episode 3 recorded 2015
Crossed over in 2023, RIP David, hearts are breaking.
For those of you who attended the celebration of life on 10-22-23 we are working on the editing of the Road Dog Tales interveiw that we showed at the event. We will probably post it here.
Crossed over in 2023, RIP David, hearts are breaking.
For those of you who attended the celebration of life on 10-22-23 we are working on the editing of the Road Dog Tales interveiw that we showed at the event. We will probably post it here.

“The Notorious" Doug Rowell Recorded 2016
Crossed over in 2023. RIP Doug we will always remember you and love you.
The Living Legends!

Marv Ross of Quarterflash

Mike Branch -reknowned ROCKER KING! 2016

Feb 21 2016 Featured the beautiful

March 20th 2016 LaRhonda Steele
Celebrating Nico's Birthday and LaRonda's as well!
Celebrating Nico's Birthday and LaRonda's as well!

April 17th 2016 Gary Ogan

Sunday Nov 15th
Steve Bradley the original Portlander
AKA Badly Bradley
Steve Bradley the original Portlander
AKA Badly Bradley
Please consider taking part in this historic preservation of the Portland music scene. You can donate in many ways.... money, time, energy, resorces, fund raising,
It really will matter in the future.
Thank you so very much for all your support.
May you walk in the waves of music...
Nico Wind & the Road Dog Tales production team members.
It really will matter in the future.
Thank you so very much for all your support.
May you walk in the waves of music...
Nico Wind & the Road Dog Tales production team members.

OCTOBER 18th Guest feature artist is:
Our Road Dog Tales guest is a story just waiting to be requested!
From New Orleans, Louisiana, he is a highly regarded saxophonist with a long career, playing with The Gladiators, with singers such as Irma Thomas, with The Survivors and talents like the Neville Brothers, Bobby McFerrin and Harry Conic, Jr. among many others, and, for 22 years, with one of the first rock and rollers of the 50s, Fats Domino, traveling all over the world to sold out crowds.
Today, he enjoys the respect of Oregonians for his wonderful music, his commitment to arts education, and his connection to our community.
Our Road Dog Tales guest is a story just waiting to be requested!
From New Orleans, Louisiana, he is a highly regarded saxophonist with a long career, playing with The Gladiators, with singers such as Irma Thomas, with The Survivors and talents like the Neville Brothers, Bobby McFerrin and Harry Conic, Jr. among many others, and, for 22 years, with one of the first rock and rollers of the 50s, Fats Domino, traveling all over the world to sold out crowds.
Today, he enjoys the respect of Oregonians for his wonderful music, his commitment to arts education, and his connection to our community.

Nico Wind Cordova will be interviewing band leader and gifted pianist, CHRIS BAUM, August 16, at The Blue Room in Cartlandia. You can learn about Chris’s career as a professional musician, hear his Road Dog Tales, and enjoy his outstanding prowess as a gifted pianist as he joins the jam with Nico Wind and Free Rein.
Nico Wind Cordova will be interviewing band leader and gifted pianist, CHRIS BAUM, August 16, at The Blue Room in Cartlandia. You can learn about Chris’s career as a professional musician, hear his Road Dog Tales, and enjoy his outstanding prowess as a gifted pianist as he joins the jam with Nico Wind and Free Rein.

Sunday Sept 20th
The living legendary stylized blues guitarist,
Lloyd (Have Mercy) Jones!
The living legendary stylized blues guitarist,
Lloyd (Have Mercy) Jones!
Beloved Musicians Memorial PDX

Beloved Musicians Memorial PDX
is a Face Book Group I started over decade ago to align with Nico's Road Dog Tales.
The intent is to honor the many Portland Musicians who have passed away.
It is to preserve the legacies of the people who have carved out and inspired the music scene here in my own home town of Portland Oregon.
This work has generated a lot of interest in the community and has now spread to include the greater Portland areas such as, Vancouver WA.
And all of 4 Directions of the State of Oregon.
I am honored to have been able to set up a platform for this "Legacy Work" and it has grown into a huge scope of work of which I do the best I can with managing.
Recently, Someone has offered to help out by donating the cost of an annual website of it's own.
It does not include the reciprosity costs for creating it or tending to it.
My question to the community is....
Would it be worth it to you to donate something annually to this work?
Please email me at
#Beloved Musicians Memorial PDX
#Nico's Road Dog Tales
And let me know what you think!
is a Face Book Group I started over decade ago to align with Nico's Road Dog Tales.
The intent is to honor the many Portland Musicians who have passed away.
It is to preserve the legacies of the people who have carved out and inspired the music scene here in my own home town of Portland Oregon.
This work has generated a lot of interest in the community and has now spread to include the greater Portland areas such as, Vancouver WA.
And all of 4 Directions of the State of Oregon.
I am honored to have been able to set up a platform for this "Legacy Work" and it has grown into a huge scope of work of which I do the best I can with managing.
Recently, Someone has offered to help out by donating the cost of an annual website of it's own.
It does not include the reciprosity costs for creating it or tending to it.
My question to the community is....
Would it be worth it to you to donate something annually to this work?
Please email me at
#Beloved Musicians Memorial PDX
#Nico's Road Dog Tales
And let me know what you think!